Monday, November 20, 2006

Wait For It...

Have a read of this - I'll explain at the end why I find it particularly interesting (my emphasis added):

...many of us could not imagine Australia without an ABC...

...I speak up for the ABC. I reject the views of some who regard it as biased. It is a view that ignores history and exhibits a poor grasp of the nation's and the State's political record.

In New South Wales no-one pursued the excesses of the Wran Government, the failings of the Unsworth Government, or the consequences of the spin-before substance approach of the Carr-Iemma Government more than ABC radio and television did. Federally, it is hard to argue that during the Hawke and Keating years the national broadcaster's news and current affairs programs did not vigorously hold Federal Labor to account. Some of those interviews are legendary. Those who argue that the broadcaster is biased against government fail to recognise that the ABC has a record of trying to hold government to account, irrespective of political make-up. For me, the ABC makes up part of the nation's accountability mechanisms that work to benefit all those who live in our open and democratic society.

It is also worth noting that in his appearances on the ABC, whether television or radio, Prime Minister John Howard never seems to have trouble making his point, getting his message across and holding his own, whether facing Kerry O'Brien or Virginia Trioli. Perhaps those who engage in ABC bashing have forgotten what Opposition is like, when one makes use of whatever tools are at hand to expose and hold government to account. Those who advance the argument of ABC bias also seem to suffer from a one-eyed perspective of Australia's media. The criticisms applied to the ABC never seem to be made of commercial radio and television broadcasters, none of whom would claim to be perfect.

Those who seek to criticise, attack or undermine the ABC would have greater credibility if their critique extended across broadcast dials. I get frustrated at attacks on the ABC from my side of the political spectrum because they ignore the obvious: many of those who rely on ABC broadcasts, who value and support the national broadcaster, are Liberal and National supporters. The same people who helped elect the Federal Government on four occasions are supporters of the ABC.

I stand up for the outstanding services (ABC's) radio and television arms have provided to the State and nation for 74 and 50 years respectively.

It's probably already been given away - but can you guess which lefty, latte-sipping, poofo, commo, pinko, lezzo, tree-hugging, feral, public broadcaster-supporting, Muslim-apologising, anti-Capitalist hippie said all this in State parliament on Friday?

Yep, Barry O'Farrell - Deputy Leader of the NSW Coalition Opposition.

The guy's got my vote once Debnam's shafted after the 2007 election that they'll lose. (I mean, he would if I voted in the NSW Liberal caucus. You know what I mean.)


At 20/11/06 5:02 pm, Blogger nash said...

This is a great post, Sam. Thanks for bringing it - and Baz O'Farrell - to my attention...

At 21/11/06 11:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fine speech. Now can you send Ms Trioli back to Melbourne where she belongs please.

At 22/11/06 9:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here here...

At 2/1/24 8:03 pm, Anonymous Tyler Avery said...

This was a lovelyy blog post


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