Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Case in Point

I won't say too much about Ted Haggard; I will just ask what I believe is a rhetorical question:

Surely - surely - this is definitive proof that homosexuality is inherent and naturally-occurring, and cannot be switched on and off at will?

That is, if even those most dedicated soldiers fighting to promote the 'ex-gay' cause cannot themselves stay on the straight and narrow (so to speak), ipso facto, the cause is, as argued by all legitimate psychological, physiological and psychiatric authorities - as well as we humble fags down here on the floor - a big heap of steaming, rancid bullshit?

Amusing clue in Wiki re: Ted's 'troubled' ways:

'Haggard focused ministry efforts on homosexuals early in his Colorado Springs ministry by frequenting gay bars and inviting men to his congregation.'

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a faggot.


At 7/11/06 6:49 pm, Blogger JahTeh said...

They'll probably say he was molested by a congressman.

Lookie, word verification is in your size...sxoss.

At 7/11/06 8:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You underestimate (or possibly just plain fail to understand) the fundy mindset.

It's not a proof that homosexuality cannot be switched on and off at will at all; it's only proof that Ted Haggard was a sinner and succumbed to temptation.

In fact, it could even be taken as proof that it can be switched on and off at will - if you were the devil and seeking to lead people astray, what more natural target could you find to tempt than a prominent leader such as Ted? The fact that he succumbed only proves just how much temptation Satan was pointing in his direction - thus proving that homosexuality is, after all, just giving into temptation (and thus a choice).

At 7/11/06 9:21 pm, Blogger Sam said...

If I've failed to understand the fundie mindset, Zhasper, I can sleep easier at night for it.

At 8/11/06 4:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few years ago met this georgous bloke, he was an apprentice RC priest.I asked him " Why do you want to be a priest?" . He answered " Where else would you get to wear such glam gear!"

At 8/11/06 4:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lime. I believe, what ever turns you on! As long as you don't upset our cat!

At 8/11/06 9:23 pm, Blogger nash said...

I'm heartened by the fact all these scumbags are taking a tumble - Foley, Haggard and now Milton Orkopoulos. Makes me wonder who'll be caught out next...

At 11/11/06 8:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Far from being disillusioned, the evangelical faithful are blaming the devil for the actions of their leader, writes Mark Coultan.

The article doesn't say much else to back that up though.


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