Wednesday, July 05, 2006

ABC Biased - to the Right

So this must be part of the conversatives' bold plan to restore editorial balance and impartiality to the ABC - Howard's mates on its stacked Board ensuring a tell-all biography of his Number 1 radio mouthpiece is not published? Go conservatives.

Mike Carlton - whose children I've often entertained the thought of having - hits the nail on the head: Jonsey doesn't want to be outed as the self-loathing fag he is.* But, frankly, DUH. Everybody already knows. In fact, notice how 2GB's response to Carlton doesn't actually counter his claims, merely runs around him in the playground shrieking "nah nah, ne nah nah, we've got better ratings. Your mum's on the welfare and you smell like a poo-head."

Chris Masters should find another publisher - and any publisher that actually enjoys making money will snap this up in a second. Phillip Adams' money is on Penguin, Allen & Unwin or Melbourne University Press. Then when, for example, Penguin makes an absolute shitload of profit which is not cancelled out by consequent legal fees fighting Jones, we can thank Windschuttle, Brunton and Tell-Us-About-It Janet for so prudently protecting Aunty's financial standing.

Because that's what this is all about, isn't it? Nothing to do with a right-wing bias within the ABC Board, surely.

(*Don't get me wrong, I love a right-leaning fag as much as the next queen. They're quite novel, and compelling in a paradoxical kind of way, not unlike watching Eminem pretending to be a well-endowed black rapper. But I draw the line at Jones, Chris Pearson or Professor Flinty. They're just....scary.)


At 5/7/06 11:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been having a go at this too over the last few days, as you may have seen, perhaps. Let's hope the ABC Board have given Masters a free kick when it comes to other publishers, and that the book will just walk on out of the shops!

I have to confess I actually know David Flint, though not in the biblical sense; but I have dined with him and others several times. He even gave me a lift home once. He is an odd character, almost a living work of fiction, but actually quite charming and a good conversationalist in a donnish kind of way. Conservative as all hell of course. You should hear him on the ordination of women!

He is of that strange generation to which Justice Kirby also belongs where certain things were just not mentioned... Kirby of course has managed to recover.

At 6/7/06 1:04 pm, Blogger Samantha Regione said...

I just loved yesterday's news ... Keith Windschuttle denies the Board had any involvement.

Well he would, wouldn't he! The man is a walking denizen of denial.

At 6/7/06 1:24 pm, Blogger Gay Erasmus said...

He is of that strange generation to which Justice Kirby also belongs where certain things were just not mentioned... Kirby of course has managed to recover.

I just wonder, do people like David Flint suppress things consciously, or is it a reflex action?

At 6/7/06 2:09 pm, Blogger Sam said...

For some reason, Amanda Vanstone sooner springs to mind when thinking of such things, SB.

And then I'm violently ill.

At 7/7/06 2:02 pm, Blogger Claudia said...

I love the Windschuttle/board denying any involvment, if that were actually true they're not exactly doing their jobs then are they?

(I think Ann Coulter should also be on the strangely attractive uber-conservatives list..)

At 7/7/06 2:33 pm, Blogger Sam said...

Oh she's a freak cvm - makes Jan-Jan and 'Randa look positively Leninesque! But yes, I guess she is attractive in a blonde, blue, Aryan purist sort of way (which as a neo-Nazi, I'm sure she'd be pleased to hear.)

Should we add Michelle Malkin ( to that list too?

At 9/7/06 2:21 pm, Blogger Claudia said...

Oh i definitely think so!

Thanks for supplying more material for my slightly problematic addiction..


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